Rugby Scholarship Opportunity

24 Apr 2024 by Tim Hughes

The Ethos of Rugby foundation is looking for applicants for 2024 scholarships. From Dustin:

About Us:
Ethos of Rugby is a Wisconsin based organization focused on supporting youth in areas of leadership and health/wellness. We currently have 6 high school scholarships available for 2024 that are aimed at helping outstanding individuals cover their playing expenses, promoting health and wellness to students involved in this great game we all love.

Scholarship Information:
Scholarships from the Ethos of Rugby Foundation are awarded based upon demonstrated leadership and community service. This is for current high school seniors playing or interested in playing this spring. While helping to coach youth rugby programs is a form of service, most of our past scholarship recipients have also performed important services to their communities beyond just our sport.

The application questions are pretty short and straightforward:
1. Briefly describe your post high school goals for continuing education and/or training.
2. Briefly describe your participation in community service and leadership activities.
3. Choose one community service or leadership activity, which is most important to you, and explain how the activity has impacted your life.

Must be a graduating HS Senior that is involved in rugby. Need not be a player. One of the scholarships last year was awarded to a HS referee.

Starting March 1, this is the link to the scholarship application,

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